Wednesday, February 28, 2007

the long stretch

It's been an awefully long time since my last post. It's amazing how school makes time fly. Reading week came and went, and now I'm about to plunge into the final six-week stretch of my first year of archival studies. And it will be no picnic: piles of reading, group presentations, term papers, irritating small assignments. So it's a good thing I'm posting now, because you probably won't hear from me again until it's all over.

I've had a series of "stupid" moments this week - you know, the kind that make you look like you have the intellect of Homer Simpson? Yeah.

On the bright side, I found out that I will be doing an internship at the Archives of Ontario (in Toronto) this summer, which will be really good, I think (hope!). So there's that.

Other things to look forward to:

1. a new Innocence Mission album this month
2. finishing knitting knee socks for my sister (soon, Adrienne, soon!)
3. bridal showers for Niki (I've been concocting some new designs for toilet paper wedding dresses!)
4. paska at Easter (toasted with butter is best!)
5. daffodils and tulips (I am currently enjoying crocuses and snow drops)


Blogger Estelle said...

What Toronto for the summer!!! I am jealous. BC is way nicer but the T dot has my friends and family. You have to go to Niagra on the Lake, not the falls, the falls is good but the Lake is quaint.

3/12/2007 9:25 p.m.  

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